Visual Art Elements Teaching Resources
Our collection of beautifully designed visual art elements teaching resources includes PowerPoint presentations and activities relating to form, colour, line, shape, texture, value and space. Use the PowerPoint teaching presentations to introduce each visual art element and the activities that are connected to them. Also included is a set of visual art elements activity task cards and a poster pack to display in your primary classroom.
- Plus Plan
Organic Shape Search Worksheet
A fun art activity to explore organic shape.
- Plus Plan
Moving Lines Activity
A fun art activity to experiment with the use of line.
- Plus Plan
Pattern to Picture Activity
A fun art activity to experiment with the use of line and pattern.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Shape and Form PowerPoint - Upper Years
A 25 slide teaching presentation to use when investigating shape and form in Visual Art.
- Plus Plan
Art Elements Activity Task Cards
A set of 28 art activity task cards that explore each of the art elements.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Line PowerPoint - Middle Years
A 29 slide teaching presentation to use when investigating line in Visual Art.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Line PowerPoint - Lower Years
A 22 slide teaching presentation to use when investigating line in Visual Art.
- Plus Plan
Line and Feelings Sorting Activity - Year 3 to Year 6
A fun sorting activity for students to explore interpretation of line in visual art.
- Plus Plan
Easy Origami Animals Worksheet and Step-By-Step Instructions for Kids
Make origami animals with your students with printable step-by-step instructions plus a 2D shapes worksheet for your maths lesson planning.
- Free Plan
Patterning Guide Template - Lower
A template to use when learning about line in visual art.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Shape and Form PowerPoint - Middle Years
A 27 slide teaching presentation to use when investigating shape and form in Visual Art.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Texture PowerPoint - Middle Years
A 28 slide teaching presentation to use when investigating texture in Visual Art.
- Free Plan
Patterning Guide Template - Year 3 and Year 4
A template to use when learning about line in visual art.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Line PowerPoint - Upper Years
A 28 slide teaching presentation to use when investigating line in Visual Art.
- Free Plan
Patterns, Lines and Feelings Activity
A fun art activity to experiment with the use of line and pattern.
- Plus Plan
International Dot Day Textured Mandala Template
Celebrate International Dot Day in style with a printable Dot Day Textured Mandala Template.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Shape PowerPoint - Lower Years
A 19-slide teaching presentation to use when investigating shape in Visual Art.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Space PowerPoint - Upper Years
A 28 slide teaching presentation to use when investigating space in Visual Art.
- Plus Plan
Designing for Depth Drawing Templates
A fun art activity to explore the creation of depth in two-dimensional work.
- Free Plan
Organic Shape Puzzle
A puzzle focusing on the identification of organic shapes.
- Free Plan
What's in a Colour? Sorting Activity
A fun sorting activity for students to explore interpretation of colour in visual art.
- Plus Plan
Masked in Mystery Activity
A fun art activity to explore shape through the creation of a mask.
- Plus Plan
Visual Arts Elements Colour PowerPoint – Lower Years
An 18-slide teaching presentation to use when investigating colour in Visual Art.
- Plus Plan
Marvellous Monochrome Activity
A fun art activity to experiment with the use of monochromatic colour.