Flashcards with 0-12 multiplication.
Cut these flashcards out and stick the answer on the back of the related question.
Laminate them to ensure they last longer.
Flashcards with 0-12 multiplication.
Cut these flashcards out and stick the answer on the back of the related question.
Laminate them to ensure they last longer.
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Use these word families flashcards to help familiarise your students with words that contain the short o vowel sound.
Use these word families flashcards to help familiarise your students with words that contain the short i vowel sound.
Use these alphabet flashcards to help familiarise your students with the letters of the alphabet and their corresponding sounds.
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Encourage your students to use different shades of meaning in their sentence writing with this set of shades of meaning verb flashcards.
Teach commonly used verbs with this set of printable flashcards.
Create a variety of grammar activities with 60 printable noun, verb and adjective flashcards.
Practise blending r-blends with this set of blending r word cards.
Practise blending s-blends with this set of blending s word cards.
Practise blending l-blends with this set of blending l word cards.
Excellent resource. Thank you
Hi Rebecca, Thank you for your lovely comment. I am so glad you are enjoying our resources.
Thank you so much I love them. Your prompt response is amazing. Thanks once again.
You are very welcome, Mandy. I am so glad you are enjoying the Teach Starter experience!
Thanks so much on your prompt response but i was hoping more like the addition ones so the students can colour them in. Sorry for being painful. Greatly appreciated.
Hello again, Mandy. We have adjusted this so it is the same style as the addition cards. To download it, click the arrow next to the ‘Download’ button and select Black and White. If there is anything else I can assist you with please let me know.
Hi Mandy, Not painful at all, it would be my pleasure to change this so it is more colouring-in friendly! Let me get our design team onto it and I will let you know when we have completed your change request. In the meantime, if there is anything else I can assist you with, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Hi I was wondering if there was any chance of getting these in black and white like the addition ones. Thanks
Hi there Mandy, We loved your idea and have created a black and white version. To download it, click the arrow next to the 'Download' button and select Black and White. If there is anything else I can assist you with please let me know.