A simple Acknowledgement of Country poster to display in your classroom.
Participating in an Acknowledgement of Country is an effective way of helping students develop awareness and respect for the ongoing relationship that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (the Traditional Custodians) have with their land. The practice can be done by anyone, at any time.
The simple wording on this poster could be recited by students each day as a way of acknowledging that their learning is taking place on traditional Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander land. This is also one way of addressing the cross-curricular priority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Culture.
Download the editable MS Word version to change the text on the poster and acknowledge the specific language group whose land your class is on.
N.B: A Welcome to Country occurs at the beginning of a formal event and can take many forms including singing, dancing, smoking ceremonies or a speech in traditional language or English. A Welcome to Country is delivered by Traditional Owners, or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have been given permission from Traditional Owners, to welcome visitors to their country.
Love love love the images and wording of this Acknowledgement of Country. Well done guys. x x x. x x x x Mrs M MOffat
love this poster!
Thank you for this lovely feedback, Caroline! It's so pleasing to see Acknowledgement of Country becoming so widespread among our schools, as it certainly should be! Have a wonderful day.
Thanks for sharing, its appreciated so much.D
Hey Donna, thank you for sharing your appreciation for this poster. You are very welcome.
thank you
You're welcome, Bernie!