
Australian Gold Rush: Native Police Venn Diagram – Template

  • Updated

    Updated: 20 Sep 2023

A Venn diagram template designed to allow students to compare and contrast the pros and cons of Indigenous peoples helping miners and the establishment of the Native Police Force during the Australian Gold Rush.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Year

    Year: 5


Australian Gold Rush: Native Police Venn Diagram – Template

  • Updated

    Updated: 20 Sep 2023

A Venn diagram template designed to allow students to compare and contrast the pros and cons of Indigenous peoples helping miners and the establishment of the Native Police Force during the Australian Gold Rush.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Year

    Year: 5

A Venn diagram template designed to allow students to compare and contrast the pros and cons of Indigenous peoples helping miners and the establishment of the Native Police Force during the Australian Gold Rush.

This teaching resource is a template Venn diagram designed for students to reflect upon the information they have learned about Indigenous involvement in the gold rush and the establishment of the Native Police Force as part of the Australian Gold Rush unit. Students will consider the pros and cons of Indigenous Australians helping miners, and how the establishment of the Native Police Force might have affected families, territories and relationships within Indigenous nations and communities.

This task can be used to gauge prior knowledge or as a post-assessment task to the lesson or unit.

This resource is included in Teach Starter’s Australian Gold Rush unit.


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Australian Gold Rush: Native Police Venn Diagram – Template