Full page upper and lower case alphabet letters with arrows for tracing.
Help your students learn how to form letters correctly in your state school font.
Full page upper and lower case alphabet letters with arrows for tracing.
Help your students learn how to form letters correctly in your state school font.
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the background lines are not correct for the fonts, the Qld writing needs red, blue, blue, red. it currently has blue blue red blue can this please be corrected
Hi there, Bianca! The Queensland line colours are available in the drop-down school font menu of this resource. Have a great day!
The background lines are all incorrect. Can we please have red, blue, blue, red?
Hi Monique, This resource is available in a range of handwriting lines and fonts. Click the down arrow on the right of the green 'Download' button to select your preferred format, or choose one from the ' Select a Download' section below the resource description. If you still don't see exactly what you're looking for, might I suggest that you make a new resource request? You can do so on our Requests page. https://www.teachstarter.com/request-a-resource/ Your fellow Teach Starter members can then vote for it and, if it proves popular, we would love to make it for you!
Hi. I noticed in a version that I had downloaded previously, that the capital 'W' in the Qld Print version did not have the dots and arrows, so I came on to check if this fault had been updated. Unfortunately, when I downloaded again, the font didn't seem quite the same and the lines had changed - instead of top red, middle blue/s and bottom red, it was simply top and middle blue with one base red. Not sure if this is a permanent error. Will check again at a later date but would appreciate your checking/correcting if necessary.
Okay, not sure what's going on but the lines are correct again but the capital 'W' still does not have the dots and arrows. Could you please correct. Thanks!
Hi Brittany, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. The capital 'W' now has the dots and arrows. Feel free to download the resource again. If there is anything else we can help with, please get in touch.
Could you update your fonts to include QLD pre-cursive please?
Hi Alice, The tracing with arrows is not a font which is available for QLD Pre-Cursive. Could I suggest trying our Handwriting Widget here: https://www.teachstarter.com/au/widget/handwriting-sheet/ You can adjust the font colour so that the students are able to trace over it. Perhaps they could practice with QLD Print with arrows first to get the hang of the directions to write basic letters, then move onto the precursive sheets from the handwriting widget. If there is anything else I can assist you with, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Hi Jill, Thank you so much for sharing this resource! Claudia
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