A sheet that provides your students with a space to write or draw their ideas.
Students can use these natural and built environments sheets to document their new knowledge.
A sheet that provides your students with a space to write or draw their ideas.
Students can use these natural and built environments sheets to document their new knowledge.
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A set of 7 posters highlighting some of the United States most famous Landmarks.
A 23 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when introducing students to the climate, vegetation and animals of Australia.
A set of six posters with information about Australian National Parks, including how to care for them.
A concept map to use when learning about built environments.
Add this poster of different types of geographic features of Earth to your classroom walls to provide a visual reference for students.
A poster to display in the classroom to show the different time zones of the world.
A natural and built environments sort activity.
An 11 slide editable PowerPoint to use in the classroom when learning about deserts.
A set of information sheets for selected natural and built environments.
An 11 slide editable PowerPoint to use in the classroom when learning about coniferous forests.
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