
Classroom Procedures Checklist

  • Updated

    Updated: 21 May 2024

Determine and track which classroom procedures and routines you will teach at the beginning of the school year with a classroom procedures checklist and tracking sheet.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Years

    Years: P - 5


Classroom Procedures Checklist

  • Updated

    Updated: 21 May 2024

Determine and track which classroom procedures and routines you will teach at the beginning of the school year with a classroom procedures checklist and tracking sheet.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Years

    Years: P - 5

Determine and track which classroom procedures and routines you will teach at the beginning of the school year with a classroom procedures checklist and tracking sheet.

Which Classroom Procedures Should You Teach at The Beginning of the School Year?

As veteran teachers, the Teach Starter team unanimously agrees that having a solid system of classroom procedures in place from the first day of school can make or break a school year. Your new students must know what to do, where to go, and how to go about their day in the classroom. Don’t you wish there were an easy way to figure out which procedures to teach and a system for tracking which routines you still need to work on? 

If you said yes, then wish no more! We’ve put together the perfect checklist and tracking system to help you decide and track your beginning-of-year classroom procedures and routines!

Remembering To Teach Even the Smallest Procedures Helps!

We all know there are regular routines that students get from the start, for example, raising their hands to speak, asking to use the restroom, using classroom supplies, etc. But sometimes, there are small routines that, when not taught, can seriously derail a lesson or a school day! That’s why we’ve put together a classroom routines and procedures checklist to help you keep track of those little things that sometimes get forgotten in the busy days at the start of the year.

This printable resource includes both a standard checklist and a tracking sheet to help you mark off when a procedure is modelled, whether you documented it with a photo and whether you completed instruction. It’s the perfect way to start your school year!

Download Your List of Classroom Procedures Today!

The Download button has a dropdown icon, which allows you to choose between the editable Google Slides file and the quick-print PDF download.

This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a teacher and Teach Starter Collaborator. 

Don’t stop there! We have more activities and resources to help you start your year right!

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Classroom Procedures Checklist