
Common Prefixes - Domino Game

  • Updated

    Updated: 24 Apr 2023

Identify new words that include common prefixes with 28 prefixes and root word dominoes.

  • Pages

    Pages: 6 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 3 - 5


Common Prefixes - Domino Game

  • Updated

    Updated: 24 Apr 2023

Identify new words that include common prefixes with 28 prefixes and root word dominoes.

  • Pages

    Pages: 6 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 3 - 5

Identify new words that include common prefixes with 28 prefixes and root word dominoes.

Prepare Your Students To Practise Their Prefixes

We don’t think you’d disagree with us when we say prefix practise can be fun!  

To play Prefix Dominoes, students will take turns matching each side of the dominoes to pair root words to their appropriate prefixes. 

For example, if a player were to lay down the “behave | dis” domino, the next player could lay down the “honest” root word domino on the right or a domino with the “mis” prefix on the left and say the new prefix word as they lay their piece down. Gameplay continues in this manner until all of the dominoes are gone. 

The prefixes students will match to root words are:

  • un-
  • re-
  • mis-
  • dis-

Scaffolding + Extension Tips 

Support students who need help understanding the concepts by providing visuals like an anchor chart or affixes poster. 

Challenge fast finishers who understand the concepts to write sentences with prefix words. They can also define the meaning of the prefix, root word, and new word. 

Plus 3 More Ways to Use This Prefix Activity 

We created this resource for your reading station or as an independent practise activity. We also suggest using it to reinforce your small group and full-class lessons in the following ways: 

🔗 Prefix Word Chain (Scoot Activity)

Provide each student in your class with a domino. Challenge the students to find their other halves, creating one long chain of dominoes. Ask the students to complete the task in silence for an extra challenge!

👯‍♀️ Odd Man Out

Place three cards at each station, ensuring two cards form a matching prefix word set and the 3rd card doesn’t belong. Student pairs will rotate through each station and identify the new words, writing their answers on a separate sheet of paper.  

🃏 Upcycle Into Playing Cards

When students no longer want to play dominoes, turn this game into a deck of cards! Break out your scissors and cut the dominoes in half. Students can play games like Match It, Go Fish, or Snap, to name a few. 

Easily Prepare This Prefix Word Game

Print on thick card for added durability and longevity. Place all pieces in a folder or large envelope for easy access. 

Use the dropdown icon on the Download button to choose between the PDF or Google Slides version of this resource. An answer key is also included with this download.

This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a Teach Starter Collaborator.


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Common Prefixes - Domino Game