
Comparing and Ordering Decimals Teaching Slides

  • Updated

    Updated: 26 Feb 2025

Use our pizza-themed comparing and ordering decimals teaching slides to teach your students to compare and order decimals to the thousandths place using a place value chart.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 4 - 5


Comparing and Ordering Decimals Teaching Slides

  • Updated

    Updated: 26 Feb 2025

Use our pizza-themed comparing and ordering decimals teaching slides to teach your students to compare and order decimals to the thousandths place using a place value chart.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 4 - 5

Use our pizza-themed comparing and ordering decimals teaching slides to teach your students to compare and order decimals to the thousandths place using a place value chart.

Solidify Decimal Understanding With Our Comparing and Ordering Decimals Teaching Slides

Looking for an exciting way to teach your students how to compare and order decimals? These comparing and ordering decimals teaching slides are just what you need! Designed with a fun pizza theme, the slides walk students through comparing decimals using a place value chart in a simple, step-by-step format. With real-life word problems involving money, pizza toppings, and more, students will stay engaged while mastering the concept. The presentation also includes plenty of practice problems at the end, ensuring students have ample opportunities to apply what they’ve learned. This resource is a great way to make decimal comparisons both fun and effective!

Here are some ways you can use these comparing and ordering decimals teaching slides: 

  • Whole-Group Instruction – Use this slideshow to introduce and teach your students how to compare and order decimals using a place value chart. 
  • Supply Teacher Lesson – This slideshow is straightforward and explicit in its presentation, making it a great resource to leave a substitute teacher to use for a maths lesson.
  • Guided Group Instruction – This presentation can easily be used to reteach decimal and place value concepts to a small group of students.
  • Maths Stations – Make this slide deck available in your maths stations and ask students to complete the problems in the practice section as evidence of their understanding.

How to Use These Decimal Place Value Problems Teaching Slides 

These decimal place value problems teaching slides are very easy to use. Here are the simple steps to get you started! 

  1. Download the resource and open the file. 
  2. Put the slide deck in ‘slideshow’ mode. 
  3. The slide deck takes students step-by-step through the process of comparing and ordering decimals using a place value chart. Simply click to advance the animations on the slide to the next step. 
  4. We recommend pairing these comparing and ordering decimals teaching slides with the Decimal and Place Value Chart linked below, as it perfectly matches the chart they will see in the presentation, enabling students to easily follow along! 

Download Our Ordering and Comparing Decimals Year 5 Teaching Slides 

It’s easy to grab your copy of these ordering and comparing decimals year 5 teaching slides! Simply click the dropdown arrow on the download button and choose between the PPT or Google Slides version of this resource. 

This resource was created by Kendall Britnell, a teacher and a Teach Starter collaborator.

More Decimal Place Value Activities 

Additional decimal place value activities await below! Click the links to explore more of what we have to offer or to grab a copy of the Decimal and Place Value Chart that matches this lesson.   

[resource:5145095] [resource:4961683] [resource:5067350]


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Comparing and Ordering Decimals Teaching Slides