Two posters to display in your classroom explaining coordinates.
Display these educational posters in your classroom when teaching your students about coordinates.
Two posters to display in your classroom explaining coordinates.
Display these educational posters in your classroom when teaching your students about coordinates.
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An 11-page worksheet pack teaching children about coordinates.
4 location and transformation worksheets linked to the Australian Curriculum.
Students create this lion by following the directions.
A template to help consolidate students' understanding of coordinates.
Students create this house by following the directions.
Students create this rocket by following the directions.
Plot 18 ordered pairs to reveal a surprise Valentine’s Day picture.
A poster that explains the features of Cartesian Planes.
Use this maths poster with your students when learning about graphing on a Cartesian plane.
Practise identifying coordinates and describing the process for graphing with a year 6 matching activity.
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