
Decimal and Place Value Chart

  • Updated

    Updated: 26 Feb 2025

Provide your students with our decimal and place value chart to make comparing and ordering decimals a breeze!

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 4 - 5


Decimal and Place Value Chart

  • Updated

    Updated: 26 Feb 2025

Provide your students with our decimal and place value chart to make comparing and ordering decimals a breeze!

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 4 - 5

Provide your students with our decimal and place value chart to make comparing and ordering decimals a breeze!

Enhance Understanding With This Decimal and Place Value Chart

Strengthen your students’ understanding of decimals with this decimal and place value chart! Offered in both colour and black-and-white, this chart spans place values from thousands to thousandths, providing a helpful visual for mastering decimal concepts. The colour version highlights each place value in a different shade for easy differentiation, while the black-and-white version offers an ink-friendly option. With built-in spaces for students to write decimals directly on the chart, this resource is perfect for comparing, ordering and reinforcing place value skills. An essential tool for any decimal-focused lesson!

Here are some tips for using each version of this decimal and place value chart:

Colour Version – Print a copy on cardboard for each student, and then laminate it or slip it into a plastic sleeve. Provide students with a whiteboard marker and eraser, and now they can use this chart again and again in your decimal lessons!

Black and White Version – This version is ideal if you want to save ink or don’t have a colour printer handy. It also works well if you want students to turn their work in to you – as an exit ticket, for example. 

Utilising Our Decimals Place Value Chart

This decimals place value chart has so many uses! Not only is it a perfect match for our Comparing and Ordering Decimals Teaching Slides (linked below), but here are some ways it works as a standalone resource: 

  • Comparing Decimals – Students write the two decimals into the decimal and place value chart, and use the place values to see which decimal is larger or smaller. They can write a comparative expression using <, > or =  at the bottom of the chart. 
  • Ordering Decimals – Students write each decimal into the chart. Then, they can label each decimal from largest to smallest or smallest to largest by putting a number in the ‘Labels’ column indicating if that decimal comes first, second, third, etc. 
  • Adding and Subtracting Decimals – Students can use the chart to write the decimals being added or subtracted into the top lines, using the column to keep their numbers lined up correctly. Students can then perform the operation, writing their answers in the next line. 

Grab This Decimal Place Value Chart 

This decimal place value chart is easy to download and use! Just click the dropdown arrow on the download button and choose between the Google Slides or PDF format of this resource. 

This resource was created by Kendall Britnell, a teacher and a Teach Starter collaborator.

Resources to Use With Our Place Value and Decimals Chart

This place value and decimals chart compliments many other resources on our site, especially our Comparing and Ordering Decimals Teaching Slides! Take a look below. 

[resource:5047765] [resource:5050433] [resource:4961683]


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Decimal and Place Value Chart