
Decodable Readers Teacher Support Pack

  • Updated

    Updated: 17 Jan 2023

A set of free supplementary resources to support the implementation of Teach Starter’s series of phonics-based decodable readers.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Years

    Years: F - 2


Decodable Readers Teacher Support Pack

  • Updated

    Updated: 17 Jan 2023

A set of free supplementary resources to support the implementation of Teach Starter’s series of phonics-based decodable readers.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Years

    Years: F - 2

A set of free supplementary resources to support the implementation of Teach Starter’s series of phonics-based decodable readers.

Implement Our Series of Decodable Readers with Ease!

Did you know that Teach Starter has its own series of Australian decodable readers based on a targeted scope and sequence of phonics knowledge?

Our black-and-white decodable readers have been created in an easy-to-print, A5 booklet format. There are seven levels in the series. Each level contains five decodable readers. The readers may be read in any order; however, it should be noted that the word count varies slightly from book to book. Each level introduces new GPCs while building on those introduced in previous levels.

Everything You Need in One Handy Support Pack!

This support pack has been compiled to assist you in implementing Teach Starter’s series of levelled decodable readers in your classroom. It contains the following documents:

Phonics Scope and Sequence

Our phonics scope and sequence has been specifically designed to accompany this series of decodable readers. It is a structured, developmentally appropriate approach to introducing new sounds, based on the Australian Curriculum content descriptions for phonic knowledge at Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2, and the phonic knowledge and word recognition sub-element of the National Literacy Learning Progressions. Introduced graphemes should be specifically taught before students engage with each new level of readers.

Phonics Readiness Assessment

This assessment has been designed to help teachers determine whether students have the necessary phonics knowledge to engage with each level of readers in the series. Before a student commences a new level, it is recommended that you assess their phonics knowledge using the assessment tool.  

Provide the students with the student copy of the assessment. Have them read out the words for the level you wish to assess. Each word corresponds to one of the graphemes introduced at that level. Mark the words that are decoded correctly by the student on the teacher copy of the assessment. Students should be decoding at 95-100% accuracy to be considered ‘ready’ to engage with that particular reader level.

Reader Level Tracking Sheet

This handy spreadsheet can be used to track your students’ progress as they move through the series.

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Decodable Readers Teacher Support Pack