
English Term Tracker (Australian Curriculum) - Year 6

  • Updated

    Updated: 02 Oct 2023

An English term tracker using the Year 6 Australian Curriculum content descriptors and codes.

  • Pages

    Pages: 5 Pages

  • Year

    Year: 6


English Term Tracker (Australian Curriculum) - Year 6

  • Updated

    Updated: 02 Oct 2023

An English term tracker using the Year 6 Australian Curriculum content descriptors and codes.

  • Pages

    Pages: 5 Pages

  • Year

    Year: 6

An English term tracker using the Year 6 Australian Curriculum content descriptors and codes.

A table to help you keep track of the English Australian Curriculum codes you have taught each term. When you cover a code with your students, you can write the date or name of the activity that you completed to visually track what codes still need to be addressed.

Use this tracker to:

  • monitor concepts covered throughout the year
  • identify areas that may need to be revisited
  • assist with report writing.

Please use the drop-down menu to choose between version 8.4 of the Australian Curriculum or version 9.0 of the Australian Curriculum. These term trackers are related to the Australian Curriculum. All information was taken from the Australian Curriculum website and should be cross-referenced with any relevant curriculum documents that your school may implement before use.

Two versions have been provided, one with columns for each of the four terms and one with columns for you to add each of your students’ names. The number of columns can be edited using normal Word tools and functions.


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English Term Tracker (Australian Curriculum) - Year 6