
Explanation Text Research Template

  • Updated

    Updated: 24 May 2023

A research template for students to use when writing an explanation text.

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 3 - 6


Explanation Text Research Template

  • Updated

    Updated: 24 May 2023

A research template for students to use when writing an explanation text.

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 3 - 6

A research template for students to use when writing an explanation text.

Provide this teaching resource to students when they are researching information for an explanation text.

Students research an object, event or process, then record their research in the template as dot-point notes.

The template enables students to record the following information:

  • the question they are going to answer in the text
  • the process, e.g. how a particular object works, or why a particular event happens
  • a word bank of subject-specific vocabulary related to the topic.

Need to introduce your students to the ins and outs of explanation writing? The following teaching presentation will do all the heavy lifting for you!



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Explanation Text Research Template