
Fantastic Forces Comprehension Worksheet

  • Updated

    Updated: 12 Feb 2021

Download this forces reading comprehension worksheet to teach your Year 4 students about push and pull forces.

  • Pages

    Pages: 3 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Year

    Year: 4


Fantastic Forces Comprehension Worksheet

  • Updated

    Updated: 12 Feb 2021

Download this forces reading comprehension worksheet to teach your Year 4 students about push and pull forces.

  • Pages

    Pages: 3 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Year

    Year: 4

Download this forces reading comprehension worksheet to teach your Year 4 students about push and pull forces.

Forces Reading Comprehension Worksheets

As teachers, we’re always looking for ways to kill two birds with one stone when it comes to curriculum content. After all, there’s so much to get though, and so little time! One of the ways to address multiple learning outcomes with one activity is to integrate subject-specific content with reading comprehension activities. Read ahead if we have your attention!

This forces reading comprehension is a great example of such integration. It enables students to build up their scientific knowledge of push and push forces and their impact on our daily lives while simultaneously fine-tuning their decoding and comprehension skills. By engaging with this forces reading comprehension activity, students will be given a thorough introduction to push and pull forces by exploring the following topics:

  • What is a force?
  • What can forces do?
  • What are push forces?
  • What are pull forces?
  • Why are forces important?

After reading the two-page forces reading comprehension, students are then required to draw and label an example of one of the push forces and an example of one of the pull forces mentioned in the article. They must then write about what is happening in their drawing.

This forces reading comprehension worksheet can be downloaded as a full-colour or black-and-white PDF. Read on to explore how you can use this resource in multiple ways in your science lessons on push and pull forces! 

Multiple Uses for This Forces Reading Comprehension 

This versatile resource can be used in various ways during your unit on forces. Why not try some of the following activities:

  • Whole-class activity (via smartboard)
  • Reading group task
  • Individual practice
  • Homework task
  • Summative assessment

Differentiate this task for learners of varied abilities by encouraging more-confident readers to complete the activity independently. Less-confident readers may benefit from completing the activity in a small-group setting with adult support.

Download to Access This Forces Worksheet

Use the dropdown menu on the Download button above to access either the full-colour or black-and-white version of this resource.

If you’re looking to save paper or ink, project the reading passage onto a screen to read as a class, then provide students with individual copies of the worksheet.

More Teacher-Created Activities for Exploring Forces

Looking for more activities to explore other fantastic forces with your students? Click on the resources below to add to your collection!

[resource:5031577] [resource:3313694] [resource:5028799]


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Fantastic Forces Comprehension Worksheet