
Focusing on Strengths Sorting Cards

  • Updated

    Updated: 10 Aug 2023

Identify individual strengths with this set of strength vocabulary task cards.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 1 - 4


Focusing on Strengths Sorting Cards

  • Updated

    Updated: 10 Aug 2023

Identify individual strengths with this set of strength vocabulary task cards.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 1 - 4

Identify individual strengths with this set of strength vocabulary task cards.

💪 Everyone Has Strengths!

Providing students with multiple opportunities to identify their strengths is crucial in boosting self-esteem, fostering resilience, and motivating and improving their learning experiences. These sorting cards provide a hands-on way for students to identify their strengths using prompts.

We’ve all been there; we’re trying to teach a social-emotional learning lesson, and when you ask students to identify their strengths, they don’t know what to say! These sorting cards are the perfect prompts to assist students when they are stuck for words! Strengths vocab included in this resource include:

  • energetic
  • adventurous
  • helpful
  • curious
  • independent
  • a good friend
  • always sharing
  • hard worker
  • funny
  • good talker
  • friendly
  • outgoing
  • great at strategy games
  • great planner
  • follower of rules and routines

This resource also has students thinking about things they want to improve with their strengths or to add to their list of strengths.

How to Use These Strengths Sorting Cards in the Classroom

Place students into a small group. You may like to do a rotation style of social-emotional learning and include various strength awareness activities. For this activity, the students will do the following:

  1. Pick up a recording sheet and shuffle the cards.
  2. Place the cards facing down in a pile.
  3. Take turns picking one card at a time and reading the personality trait.
  4. If the card describes you, keep the card and write down the trait on your recording sheet.
  5. Place the card to the side in a separate pile if it does not describe you.
  6. Keep taking turns until your recording sheet is full.
  7. Pick 3 cards from the pile of cards that do not describe you that you would like to work on. Write them down at the bottom of your recording sheet.

Download Today!

Use the dropdown menu to choose between the PDF or editable Google Slide version of this resource. It is suggested you print this on thick card to ensure durability and keep it in a container when not using it in the classroom.

This resource was created by Lisamarie Del Valle, a Teach Starter Collaborator.

More Strengths Resources

Looking for more activities to do to help your students identify their strengths? We’ve got you covered:

[resource:4995889] [resource:4994607] [resource:4997012]


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Focusing on Strengths Sorting Cards