Ten themed handwriting sheets with your choice of fonts.
Use these Handwriting Sheets to help your students to improve their handwriting.
Each sheet is themed with a different animal or concept and has a small picture for the students to decorate when they have finished. Students are required to trace over the dotted letters and then re-write them on the lines below.
The last sentence is where they describe whatever the Handwriting Sheet is about, for example, dogs are… happy.
Would it be possible to have these worksheets in the NSW Pre-Cursive font? Thank you!
Hi R K, Fonts can be selected from the drop-down menu under the resource title. If you can't see the one you're after, please feel free to request a resource at our 'Request a Resource' page. https://www.teachstarter.com/request-a-resource/ Requests are voted on by the Teach Starter community and we create the top requests. Please let me know if you have any further questions, I’m more than happy to help.
We love your website!
Thanks for your feedback!
Thank you for these worksheets. The Victorian script is perfect, however the words should be sitting on the solid line, not the middle dotted line. Lil
Hi Lilia and Melissa, Thank you for your feedback about the VIC and WA font not sitting on the solid line. My apologies for this error. I have updated the file and it is available to download again now. Kind regards Jill
Can we get Vic pre-cursive starting on the solid line? The WA one starts at the first dotted third. Thanks!
Hi Melissa, Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, it is very difficult for us to provide different lines for each state. We have found in our research that not all schools in each state use the same lines! We have also consulted several State Education Departments for their guidance, and we have based our line formats on this advice. We are aware, however, that there are a number of our resources that need to be updated. They will be updated to the following format: https://www.teachstarter.com/teaching-resource/alphabet-handwriting-sheets-individual/ We have also developed a tool where you can create your own custom handwriting worksheet, in your school font and lines, which I hope you find helpful: https://www.teachstarter.com/widget/handwriting-sheet/ If you have further questions, please let me know. Kind regards Jill
Hi! Our school in WA uses the NSW foundation font but we use the dotted thirds paper. Is there anyway to get a simple foundation font but printed onto dotted thirds instead? Thanks :)
Hi Kylee, Thank you for your comment. We have updated the font lines and they are available to download again now. Kind regards Jill