
Helpful Homework Tips for Parents Poster

  • Updated

    Updated: 02 Oct 2023

Helpful tips for parents on how to support students to complete homework.

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    Pages: 1 Page


Helpful Homework Tips for Parents Poster

  • Updated

    Updated: 02 Oct 2023

Helpful tips for parents on how to support students to complete homework.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

Helpful tips for parents on how to support students to complete homework.

This poster has been created to help parents and guardians to support their children when completing homework. It includes helpful tips on how to manage homework expectations before, during and after homework. This poster is ideal to send home to parents to increase home/school communication.

An editable version has been created to allow you to customise the poster to match your school homework policy and teacher expectations.

Please note that the homework tips are a guide. Each student will have specific, individual needs that should be considered. Homework should be both manageable and meaningful. Most importantly, homework should be a positive, purposeful experience.


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Helpful Homework Tips for Parents Poster