
How Many Syllables? Sorting Activity

  • Updated

    Updated: 05 Sep 2022

Practise segmenting and counting syllables in words with this set of 24 picture sorting cards.

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: F - 1


How Many Syllables? Sorting Activity

  • Updated

    Updated: 05 Sep 2022

Practise segmenting and counting syllables in words with this set of 24 picture sorting cards.

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: F - 1

Practise segmenting and counting syllables in words with this set of 24 picture sorting cards.

Counting Syllables… It’s As Easy as 1, 2, 3!

An important aspect of phonological awareness is the ability to hear and identify the syllables in spoken words.

In this syllable sorting activity, students will:

  • look at a picture card
  • identify the word
  • say the word aloud
  • count the number of syllables
  • place the word under the correct heading (1, 2 or 3 syllables). 

Scaffolding and Extension Tips 

This resource can be used as an English group activity, a pair activity, or as an independent task for fast finishers (every class has at least one of those students who is always ahead of the pack, right?) You could also project the cards onto your interactive whiteboard and complete the task as a whole class.

Do you have students in your class who may find this activity a little easy? Why not challenge them to add a four- or five-syllable category to the game? Ask them to draw pictures of those words and write the number of syllables below the drawing. 

If your students are having trouble identifying the syllables in the words, demonstrate how to clap out the words. This makes sounding out words fun (they love to make noise). Plus, students engage multiple senses while working on their phonological awareness.  

Easily Prepare This Resource for Your Students

Print the task cards on thick card for added durability and longevity. Place all game parts in a folder or large envelope for easy access. 

Before You Download

Use the drop-down icon on the Download button to choose between the printable PDF or editable Google Slides version of this resource. An answer key is also included with this download.

This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a Teach Starter collaborator. 


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How Many Syllables? Sorting Activity