
Insect-Themed Flashcards and Writing Prompts

  • Updated

    Updated: 14 Jun 2023

Inspire young entomologists to read and write about insects with minibeast writing prompts and word wall cards.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 1 - 2


Insect-Themed Flashcards and Writing Prompts

  • Updated

    Updated: 14 Jun 2023

Inspire young entomologists to read and write about insects with minibeast writing prompts and word wall cards.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 1 - 2

Inspire young entomologists to read and write about insects with minibeast writing prompts and word wall cards.

🐞Go Buggy for Insect Vocabulary and Writing Prompts for Kids

Get ready to buzz into the classroom and turn your most reluctant writers into busy bees with an engaging insect-themed writing activity!

This resource contains two primary components. First, we’ve put together an illustrated insect vocabulary word wall display. There are 24 vocabulary cards with bright images to help inspire your students to use academic vocabulary. Secondly, you’ll find a set of writing prompts. The writing prompts in this resource are a combination of narrative and informational texts. Prompts included are:

  • Write a story about a day you were magically turned into one of the bugs below. Draw a picture when you finish.
  • Choose one insect to describe in your writing. Draw a picture when you finish.
  • Choose one of the insects. Write about where they live and where you can find them. Draw a picture when you finish.

This resource would be a perfect accompaniment to a Biological Sciences study of minibeasts.

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This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a Teach Starter collaborator.


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Insect-Themed Flashcards and Writing Prompts