A poster showing the interplay of the Sun, Earth and Moon.
Use this annotated diagram when studying the movements of the Sun, Earth and Moon.
A poster showing the interplay of the Sun, Earth and Moon.
Use this annotated diagram when studying the movements of the Sun, Earth and Moon.
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The Earthly Word Search uses scientific vocabulary in a fun way!
Help your students identify the clouds in the sky with this cloud identifier.
Colourful pictures of the sun, Earth and moon.
A vocabulary task for students to use when demonstrating their understanding of the impact of floods in Australia.
Use our 3-page graphic organiser to research and report on a significant natural disaster from the last 100 years.
A cloze worksheet about bushfires.
A set of water related vocabulary cards for a word wall.
A poster to use on your Earthquakes display board.
Brainstorm the similarities and differences between day and night using this Venn Diagram worksheet with your students.
A worksheet to use when graphing cloud observations.
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