
Is It True? Active Listening Activity

  • Updated

    Updated: 22 Jan 2025

Improve listening skills in the classroom with an engaging 'Is It True?' Active Listening Activity.

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: F - 3


Is It True? Active Listening Activity

  • Updated

    Updated: 22 Jan 2025

Improve listening skills in the classroom with an engaging 'Is It True?' Active Listening Activity.

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: F - 3

Improve listening skills in the classroom with an engaging 'Is It True?' Active Listening Activity.

Boost Active Listening Skills With Us!

Whether it’s the beginning of the year, halfway through, or near the end, it’s never a bad time to refresh your students’ memories of how to be active listeners. This year, we’re excited to help you get your students back on track by engaging in active listening activities that encourage listening with a purpose and promote conversation in the classroom.

Is It True? An Active Listening Activity for All Ages

Our ‘Is it True’ Listening Activity uses a visual stimulus to help direct students’ listening. Each image in this resource’s PowerPoint presentation has a matching story card for students to listen to. Students listen to the description read aloud by the teacher while viewing the image. Then, they must decide whether the information heard accurately depicts the image given. Vocabulary may be adjusted to suit the student’s language level.

This resource download includes two components:

  • Active Listening Teaching Slides—This slide presentation features 16 ‘Look and Listen’ visual prompts. Each image has been selected to be interesting and fun for students to view.
  • Active Listening Script Cards – This separate file includes a short script that matches each of the pictures in the slide deck. To use, print and select the card and image that go together. You will read this card aloud and encourage discussion of the question, ‘Is It True?’ based on whether or not the information read matches the image.

Download, Print, and Go!

This resource is available in multiple easy-to-use formats. The Slide deck downloads as an editable Google Slides file, while the set of cards are available in printable PDF and Slides format. Use the dropdown arrow on the download button to select your file preference.

This resource was created by Samantha Rose, a teacher and Teach Starter collaborator.

If you’re looking for other resources that encourage attentive listening, try:

[resource:4726220]   [resource:4633183]   [resource:67568]


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Is It True? Active Listening Activity