
J. K. Rowling Biography and Worksheet

  • Updated

    Updated: 10 Aug 2020

Download this J.K. Rowling biography and worksheet, designed to help students learn about the life, education and writing career of the world-famous author.

  • Pages

    Pages: 4 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 4 - 6


J. K. Rowling Biography and Worksheet

  • Updated

    Updated: 10 Aug 2020

Download this J.K. Rowling biography and worksheet, designed to help students learn about the life, education and writing career of the world-famous author.

  • Pages

    Pages: 4 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 4 - 6

Download this J.K. Rowling biography and worksheet, designed to help students learn about the life, education and writing career of the world-famous author.

J.K. Rowling Biography – A Fascinating Insight into a Famous Author

Joanne Rowling (more commonly known by her pen-name, J.K. Rowling) is a celebrated British author. She is most well known for the Harry Potter series, which became the highest-selling book series of all time in 2018. In addition to being a writer, Rowling is also a mother, a teacher, and an advocate for the rights of women and children.

Introduce your students to the inspiring life of J.K. Rowling with this two-page biography and comprehension worksheet. Covering her early life, education and journey to becoming the renowned author of Harry Potter, this resource provides a structured way for students to explore key events in Rowling’s life. Ideal for developing reading comprehension and biography analysis skills, this resource makes learning about influential figures engaging and accessible.

This J.K. Rowling biography downloads as a full-colour or black-and-white PDF. Read on to learn more about using this resource in your classroom.

Engaging Classroom Uses for This Biography on J.K. Rowling

This biography on J.K. Rowling can be used in multiple ways to support student learning. Here are a few ideas from our teacher team:

  • Independent Reading Activity – Assign the biography as a standalone reading task, allowing students to practise comprehension skills while learning about a famous author.
  • Guided Literacy Lesson – Use the text in a small-group or whole-class setting to discuss key details, main ideas and the structure of biographies.
  • Biography Unit Integration – Include this resource as part of a broader study on biographies, helping students compare and contrast different life stories.

Download This J.K. Rowling Author Biography Resource

As mentioned, this J.K. Rowling author biography downloads in a full-colour or black-and-white PDF format. Use the Download button to access your preferred version.

If possible, please print this resource double-sided.

More Biography Writing Resources for Your Students

Click here to browse more resources to support you in teaching biography writing to your students:

[resource:4426492] [resource:4426213] [resource:5142843]


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J. K. Rowling Biography and Worksheet