A set of Auslan hand sign posters to display in your classroom.
Includes the alphabet and numbers 0-10
Auslan is the sign language of the Australian Deaf community. The term Auslan is an acronym of “Australian Sign Language”.
A set of Auslan hand sign posters to display in your classroom.
Includes the alphabet and numbers 0-10
Auslan is the sign language of the Australian Deaf community. The term Auslan is an acronym of “Australian Sign Language”.
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A set of flashcards to use when learning how to sign family role names in Auslan.
A LOTE themed border trimmer.
A poster showing the days of the week in Maori.
A poster showing body parts in Maori.
A poster highlighting body parts in Japanese Hiragana with English translations.
A poster highlighting days of the week in Japanese Hiragana with English translations.
A poster highlighting directions in Japanese Hiragana with English translations.
A poster highlighting items in the kitchen in Japanese Hiragana with English translations.
A poster highlighting numbers in Japanese Hiragana with English translations.
A poster highlighting school words in Japanese Hiragana with English translations.
Hi Jenna and thanks for reaching out. While the majority of the signs in our resources are used Australia wide, some signs may differ according to area or region. We encourage you to cross-reference using resources within your local community.
Hi Jenna, thanks for the comment and apologies for the delay in reply. The specific resource does have a few words which are Northern Dialect, but the vast majority of phrases/words/usage seems Australia-wide. I hope this comment helps!
HI there Are your AUSLAN resources Southern Dialect, or Australia wide?
I suggest with '10' poster combining the two hand pictures together with one of the hands slightly transparent and arrows showing movement.. otherwise its looks as if 10 is signed with a 'fist+5' which isn't true.
Hi Ryan, Thank you for your comment! So we can keep all of our suggestions and requests together, can you please submit a change request to this resource using the Changes & Updates tab above? This tab can be found near the comments section. Our AUSLAN resources were created with the help of Deaf Services, as detailed in this blog - https://www.teachstarter.com/au/blog/auslan-videos-for-the-classroom/ We appreciate any feedback that will help make our resources better!
Auslan isn't spelt in all caps.
Thanks for letting us know Lou! We've updated it now.