A map showing the layout, regions and major countries of Asia.
Use this map when studying the regions and countries of Asia.
Regions include:
- Middle East
- Central Asia
- Russia and the Caucasus
- East Asia
- South Asia
- South East Asia.
A map showing the layout, regions and major countries of Asia.
Use this map when studying the regions and countries of Asia.
Regions include:
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Corrected the labelling of Mongolia to be part of East Asia.
Corrected the spelling of Israel.
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Compare and contrast different types of renewable energy sources with a printable graphic organiser.
Familiarise your students with Australia’s neighbouring countries with this detailed map of Timor-Leste.
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Seventeen black and white worksheets with flags from North America.
Thirty-seven black and white worksheets with a selection of flags from Asia.
Twenty-seven black and white worksheets with a selection of flags from Europe.
Eight black and white worksheets with flags from Africa.
A poster highlighting some examples of secondary sources.
A poster providing the definition and some examples of primary sources.
Explore the overuse of water and its effects on the world’s population with this eye-opening infographic poster and accompanying comprehension worksheet.
I believe Mongolia is in East Asia? This may need correcting.
Hi, Jamie. Thanks again for letting us know! I have fixed this and the resource is ready for you to download again. 😊
Thanks for pointing that out, Jamie. We'll get onto it and let you know when the map has been updated.
Do you or are you able to make similar map of the other continents? Australia, Antartica, Europe... ect I am covering 'Flat Stanley' travels the world project and having a poster for each continent would be awesome! I really like the design of this one. Amazing. Thank you!
Hi Justyn, Thanks for your suggestion. Please feel free to request a resource here: https://www.teachstarter.com/request-a-resource/ Requests are voted on by the Teach Starter community. We create the top request each week. Please let me know if you have any further questions, I'm more than happy to help. Kind regards, Kristian