
Mental Maths Multiplication Posters

  • Updated

    Updated: 17 Oct 2023

Use this set of multiplication posters in your classroom when teaching different mental maths strategies.

  • Pages

    Pages: 10 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 2 - 5


Mental Maths Multiplication Posters

  • Updated

    Updated: 17 Oct 2023

Use this set of multiplication posters in your classroom when teaching different mental maths strategies.

  • Pages

    Pages: 10 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 2 - 5

Use this set of multiplication posters in your classroom when teaching different mental maths strategies.

Multiplication Strategies

Do your students need help recalling basic multiplication facts? Are they skip-counting by a given number for every problem they encounter? As a way to improve their fact fluency, why not teach them some mental multiplication strategies? Teach Starter has developed a set of posters you can use with your students to help them with mental maths strategies.

With this download, you will receive 1 title poster and 9 strategy posters covering a mental strategy for multiplication facts zero through to nine.

How to Make the Most of Your Mental Maths Posters

  1. Print the posters and display them in your classroom for students to reference when doing independent work.
  2. Print the posters, slip them into clear sleeves, and use them in your guided groups as a reminder.
  3. Print the posters, slide them into a clear sleeve, and hang them on a ring as a reference tool for a maths group. 

We’ve also developed bonus ways to turn posters into interactive tools that make your lessons stick! 

📂 Place copies in students’ homework folders for reference. 

💻 Provide posters as digital resources for virtual students. 

🧠 Test students’ memories by showing them the poster, then hiding it and having them tell you what they remember.

✅ Incorporate posters into your lesson wrap-up: students write on a sticky note what they learned from the lesson and place it on the poster. 

Before You Download

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Mental Maths Multiplication Posters