
Mini-Mystery – Who Broke the Window? – Interactive PowerPoint

  • Updated

    Updated: 03 Oct 2023

Engage your learners in some friendly problems solving with an interactive mini-mystery that is sure to be a SMASH!

  • Pages

    Pages: 13 Pages

  • Years

    Years: 3 - 6


Mini-Mystery – Who Broke the Window? – Interactive PowerPoint

  • Updated

    Updated: 03 Oct 2023

Engage your learners in some friendly problems solving with an interactive mini-mystery that is sure to be a SMASH!

  • Pages

    Pages: 13 Pages

  • Years

    Years: 3 - 6

Engage your learners in some friendly problems solving with an interactive mini-mystery that is sure to be a SMASH!

This interactive mini-mystery is a perfect warm-up or brain break for students at the beginning of or the end of a session.

Students will use their deduction skills and determine which suspects are providing useful information and which are not being helpful at all.

This mystery is all about determining who broke the window within a certain time frame. The suspects will reveal when they were at the scene and students will use logic-based decision making to determine the culprit.

Use the navigation buttons to step through the PowerPoint in Slide Show mode. Clicking ‘Solve’ allows you to choose who you think broke the window and see if you are correct.

You can find the paper-based version of this mini-mystery here:



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Mini-Mystery – Who Broke the Window? – Interactive PowerPoint