
Narrative Writing Bump It Up Wall – Year 3

  • Updated

    Updated: 07 Sep 2023

A visual display for your classroom to help students ‘bump up’ their narrative writing.

  • Curriculum
  • Year

    Year: 3


Narrative Writing Bump It Up Wall – Year 3

  • Updated

    Updated: 07 Sep 2023

A visual display for your classroom to help students ‘bump up’ their narrative writing.

  • Curriculum
  • Year

    Year: 3

A visual display for your classroom to help students ‘bump up’ their narrative writing.

The aim of this visible learning classroom display is to help students ‘bump up’ their imaginative writing. The display enables students to identify the approximate level of a narrative text they have written, then use the goals provided to ‘uplevel’ their writing.

This display includes:

  • a title banner (narrative writing and imaginative writing options)
  • four example texts of varying levels (simple to complex)
  • statements describing the structural and language features included in each example text
  • goals for ‘bumping up’ each example text.

To create the display:

  • Print out all of the components.
  • Place the title banner at the top of the display.
  • Place the texts in order (1-4) horizontally.
  • List the ‘This piece of writing includes…’ statements vertically underneath the corresponding text.
  • List the ‘This piece of writing could be improved by…’ goals vertically underneath the corresponding text.

To print the banner:

  1. Open the PDF file you have just downloaded, in Adobe Reader.
  2. In Adobe Reader, click on the printer icon to bring up the print dialogue box.
  3. With the print dialogue box opens, click on the ‘Poster’ tab.
  4. Next, adjust the ‘Tile Scale’ until you have the desired layout displaying in the preview section.
  5. Once you’re happy with the preview layout, click ‘Print’!


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to comment
  • natasha alam

    Hi, Thank you for this. I was wondering what is the best way to print the banner? I can't seem to get the 'Narrating Writing' banner across a number of pages. Either the whole thing is on one page or only the first part 'Narr' comes on one page. Hope this makes sense:)

    • Holly (Teach Starter)

      Hi Natasha, thanks for your very good question! I hope these steps will help you out: 1. Open the PDF file you have just downloaded, in Adobe Reader. 2. In Adobe Reader, click on the printer icon to bring up the print dialogue box. 3. With the print dialogue box opens, click on the ‘Poster’ tab. 4. Next, adjust the ‘Tile Scale’ until you have the desired layout displaying in the preview section (usually 97% works for me!). 5. Then print. If you are still having issues - feel free to email us at [email protected] and we can help you out further.

  • Brydie Wellham

    Hi ALL ! Thanks so much ! I was wondering your recommendation - I have a Year 3/4 however very large range this year 3 resource looks too hard to even be on Text 1 ... could I add a lower year level at the start to assist my learners ?

  • Julie Wasmund

    Thank you, just what I have been looking for..

    • Stephanie (Teach Starter)

      You're most welcome, Julie! I hope this resource helps your students to bump up their work and create some fantastic pieces of writing.

  • Alicia Mentiplay

    Thank you so much! Looking forward to getting the year 4 one when it is available. Can't wait to trial this in my classroom this year :)

    • Tom (Teach Starter)

      Hi Alicia, No problem at all! The remaining year levels are on their way and will be available for download soon.

  • Telitha

    Thank you sooo much!!!

    • Tom (Teach Starter)

      Hi Telitha, So glad you like it after all the anticipation! I'm sure your students will be experts at bumping up their narratives this year!

Narrative Writing Bump It Up Wall – Year 3