Use this national symbols worksheet when exploring the importance of symbols and emblems.
Use this teaching resource in the classroom when discussing the national symbols of different countries.
Use this national symbols worksheet when exploring the importance of symbols and emblems.
Use this teaching resource in the classroom when discussing the national symbols of different countries.
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Use this tri-fold brochure template to teach your kids to research and discover more facts about France and the Paralympics.
Display the alphabet in print or cursive with a unique Flags of the World Alphabet Line.
A creative art activity to use when commemorating important events such as Australia Day, Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week.
Use this set of 195 posters depicting the flags of the world's nations in the classroom.
A template for students to use to research and write a report on the school system from a different country.
An activity for students to research the cultural contributions from countries around the world.
Learn about the physical and human geography of the Inuit Territories with this inquiry-based mapping activity.
Learn about the physical and human geography of Egypt and the Sahara Desert with this inquiry-based mapping activity.
Learn about the physical and human geography of the continent of Australia with this inquiry-based mapping activity.
Learn about the physical and human geography of the continent of India with this inquiry-based mapping activity.
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