A hands-on activity where children consolidate their knowledge of numbers 1-12.
In this activity, students need to match the number of flies on the flashcards to the number that is shown in each of the frog’s tummies.
A hands-on activity where children consolidate their knowledge of numbers 1-12.
In this activity, students need to match the number of flies on the flashcards to the number that is shown in each of the frog’s tummies.
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Teach counting from 1 to 10 and one-to-one correspondence with a creative (and free) printable activity.
A 16 page editable PowerPoint presentation to use as part of a numeracy lesson when teaching place value to younger students.
A simple worksheet to help students with their counting skills.
A counting rhyme to use when learning to count to ten.
A worksheet to consolidate the concept of numbers and associated values.
A marine themed counting worksheet to use in the classroom.
A poster to use in conjunction with numeracy songs.
An activity to use in conjunction with the numeracy song, "Five Currant Buns".
A crocodile themed place value worksheet to use when identifying and counting numbers from 1 to 10.
A fun alien themed number game to help students identify the number from 1 to 12 and count small collections.
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