Predict and confirm if the product of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing sums is odd or even.
Odd and Even Properties Worksheet
Understanding the properties of odd and even numbers can assist students in determining if the result of particular sums will be odd or even before they work out the answer. This worksheet is a fantastic way for students to show their understanding by predicting and then checking their answers.
The following sums are included:
- Odd + Odd
- Even + Even
- Odd + Even
- Even + Odd
- Odd – Odd
- Even – Even
- Odd – Even
- Even – Odd
- Odd x Odd
- Even x Even
- Even x Odd
- Odd x Even
- Odd ÷ Odd
- Even ÷ Even
- Even ÷ Odd
Students are prompted to predict if the result of each of these sums will be odd or even, provide an example sum, circle the correct answer odd or even, and then confirm if their predictions were accurate. This is a fantastic way to see assess your students number sense when it comes to odd and even number properties.
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This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a Teach Starter collaborator.
More Odd and Even Property Resources
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[resource:5005212] [resource:5004927] [resource:5003256]
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