
Pixel Art Syllable Types

  • Updated

    Updated: 17 Jan 2023

Consolidate understanding of syllable types with these appealing worksheets.

  • Pages

    Pages: 7 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 1 - 3


Pixel Art Syllable Types

  • Updated

    Updated: 17 Jan 2023

Consolidate understanding of syllable types with these appealing worksheets.

  • Pages

    Pages: 7 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 1 - 3

Consolidate understanding of syllable types with these appealing worksheets.

A Pixelated Approach to Syllable Types!

Here’s a fun way to reinforce your understanding of syllable types! Students will be consolidating their knowledge of the six types of syllables as they colour the pages to reveal images. Multisyllabic words have been placed strategically within pixels to form pictures. 

There are three worksheets, each exploring specific types of syllables:

  • A – Open and Closed syllables
  • B – Vowel Teams and R-Controlled syllables
  • C – Open, Closed, Silent e, Vowel Team, R-Controlled and Consonant +le syllables.

Students are directed to focus on a particular syllable within the words and identify the syllable type. They then colour the pixels according to the key provided.

This activity is an engaging way for students to practise their decoding skills. As they analyse the syllables, students will be making decisions about whether the vowels they encounter are short vowels or long vowels. They will also be observing that numerous letters can combine to form one phoneme and that an individual letter can represent more than one sound.

Review the syllable types and enliven your reading lessons with these worksheets. While ideal for individual practice, the worksheets could easily be completed with a partner.

An answer key is included with your download to make grading fast and easy!  

Tips for Differentiation + Scaffolding  

In addition to individual student work time, use this worksheet as:

  • an English Group Activity
  • a homework assignment
  • a fast finisher activity. 

After completing the worksheets, students who need an extra challenge could list the other syllables (that have NOT been analysed) and categorise them.

Support students who need more help by referring them to relevant posters or anchor charts. 

Easily Download & Print

Because this resource includes answer sheets, we recommend you print one copy of the entire file. Then, make photocopies of the blank worksheets for students to complete.

Don’t stop there! We’ve got more activities to shorten your lesson planning time:  

[resource:4814218]   [resource:4728260] 


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Pixel Art Syllable Types