Explore the roles and responsibilities of Australia's federal, state and local governments with this informative teaching presentation.
What Are Australia’s Three Levels of Government?
Australia has three levels of government that all play a role in making sure the country runs smoothly. Australia’s three levels of government are the federal, state and local governments.
To ensure there is enough funding for all the services Australians need and to ensure these services are managed efficiently, these responsibilities are assigned to the federal, state and local governments. The trick is trying to remember which level of government is responsible for which service!
Ready-Made Lessons on Australia’s Three Levels of Government
This PowerPoint presentation has been designed to introduce students to the roles and responsibilities of the three levels of government in Australia. It addresses the following content:
- Types of government services
- Australia’s three levels of government
- Federal parliament
- State and territory parliaments
- Local councils
An independent task is outlined at the end of the teaching presentation. For this task, students are required to create a triarama summarising the roles and responsibilities of Australia’s three levels of government.
No Preparation… Just Download, Project and Teach!
Use the Download button above to access the editable Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.
Click below for more great resources to teach your students about the roles and responsibilities of Australia’s three levels of government.
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HI guys, this is a great resource, especially the black and white version, gives the students time to interact, work together and add their own creativity to the triarama. thanks John
Hey John, thank you for your wonderful feedback. We are glad to hear your students are enjoying this PowerPoint.
Thanks Rochelle ;)
You guys are awesome! thanks :)
Thank you Victoria for your prompt reply! was it there and I just couldn't see it??!!
You're welcome Rochelle. No, we created it after your great suggestion! Kind regards, Victoria.
sorry I wasn't very clear..... can I get the triarama template in black and white?
Hi Rochelle, Thank you for your suggestion. A black and white version of the Three Levels of Government Triarama is now available. Please use the following link to download it. https://www.teachstarter.com/teaching-resource/australias-three-levels-government-triarama-activity/ We hope your students enjoy making this resource. Kind regards, Victoria.