
Self -Esteem Flipbook

  • Updated

    Updated: 06 Sep 2023

Explore the topic of self-esteem with your students using this engaging flipbook template.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 3 - 4


Self -Esteem Flipbook

  • Updated

    Updated: 06 Sep 2023

Explore the topic of self-esteem with your students using this engaging flipbook template.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 3 - 4

Explore the topic of self-esteem with your students using this engaging flipbook template.

Everything Kids Need to Know About Self-Esteem

Talking to children about self-esteem and helping them understand the importance of positive self-esteem is crucial to your social-emotional lessons. This engaging flipbook is a fantastic way to discuss the main elements of self-esteem with your class.

The flipbook includes the following activities:

  • Describe self-esteem in your own words.
  • What are my strengths…
  • Setting realistic goals.
  • How to turn negative self-talk into positive self-talk.
  • Coping strategies for when you’re feeling upset.
  • The importance of relationships on our self-esteem.

How to Create this Self-Esteem Flipbook

  1. Cut out the flipbook pages on the dashed lines.
  2. Stack the pages in order, beginning with the largest on the bottom and ending with the smallest on top.
  3. Align all pages along the top edge.
  4. Staple the book together at marked staple points.
  5. Have students draw and write about the story elements based on the prompt given on each page.

Multiple Applications for This Self-Esteem Flipbook

The beauty of this resource lies in its versatility! Why not try some of the following suggestions:

  • Whole-class activity (completed as a class)
  • Small-group activity (in small guided groups)
  • Individual activity (for students who are capable of completing independently)
  • Homework task (for revision of concepts taught)

Download and Create Today!

Use the dropdown menu to choose between the PDF or editable Google Slide version of this resource.

This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a Teach Starter collaborator.


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Self -Esteem Flipbook