An illustrated poster to use in the classroom when learning about different types of levers.
Display this teaching resource to help students define the three classes of levers when learning about simple machines.
An illustrated poster to use in the classroom when learning about different types of levers.
Display this teaching resource to help students define the three classes of levers when learning about simple machines.
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Get students to determine whether a force is a push or a pull with this engaging digital game for early years science lessons.
Teach your students about balanced and unbalanced forces with this comprehensive and age-appropriate teaching presentation for Year 7 science lessons.
Use these force and motion task cards as a student review activity in your Year 7 science lessons.
Assess students' understanding of balanced and unbalanced forces with this force and motion quiz for Year 7 students.
Explore examples of balanced and unbalanced forces with your students using this set of two cut-and-paste worksheets.
Use this force and motion poster when teaching your students about balanced and unbalanced forces.
Teach your students about balanced and unbalanced forces with this printable mini-book perfect for Year 7 science lessons.
Download this magnets worksheet to teach your Year 4 students about the uses of magnets in our everyday lives.
Teach about everyday uses of magnets with this printable mini-book perfect for Year 4 science lessons.
Download this gravity worksheet to teach your Year 4 students about the force of gravity and its impact on our daily lives.
Could you change the terminology or have an additional poster in this series with the 'load' and 'effort' instead of input and output force? Thanks!
Hi Toni, Thank you for your suggestion! We'll get right onto that and let you know when the resource has been updated. Paul.