
Stars Pattern - Letters and Number Bunting

  • Updated

    Updated: 30 May 2023

Stars-themed letters and numbers bunting.

  • Pages

    Pages: 72 Pages

Add your custom title

Create a custom title sign to display in your classroom. Each letter will be displayed on an individual page for you to print and cut to create your sign. Punctuation will be added to the end of the PDF, to print as needed.

Download the PDF to view the file


Stars Pattern - Letters and Number Bunting

  • Updated

    Updated: 30 May 2023

Stars-themed letters and numbers bunting.

  • Pages

    Pages: 72 Pages

Add your custom title

Create a custom title sign to display in your classroom. Each letter will be displayed on an individual page for you to print and cut to create your sign. Punctuation will be added to the end of the PDF, to print as needed.

Download the PDF to view the file

Stars-themed letters and numbers bunting.

A set of themed classroom bunting to enhance your classroom look.

This teaching resource includes:

  • a set of large uppercase alphabet letters
  • a set of large lowercase alphabet letters
  • a set of numbers 1 to 10
  • punctuation


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Stars Pattern - Letters and Number Bunting