
Subitising Assessment Pack

  • Updated

    Updated: 17 Sep 2024

Utilise our Subitising Assessment Pack to test your students' ability to subitise quantities up to 10.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: P - F


Subitising Assessment Pack

  • Updated

    Updated: 17 Sep 2024

Utilise our Subitising Assessment Pack to test your students' ability to subitise quantities up to 10.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: P - F

Utilise our Subitising Assessment Pack to test your students' ability to subitise quantities up to 10.

Subitising Assessments to Track Student Progress

This Subitising Assessment Pack is a great way to test and monitor your students’ subitising ability. Each assessment includes twenty dot configurations for students to quickly quantify.

This resource includes the following:

  • Student sheet for numbers 1 – 5
  • Teacher tracking sheet for numbers 1 – 5
  • Student sheet for numbers 1 – 10
  • Teacher tracking sheet for numbers 1 – 10

For best results, administer this assessment regularly throughout the year to track your students’ progress toward mastery!


Fun Assessment Ideas

There are many engaging ways to assess how well your students can subitise. Here are three ways to gamify assessment:

  • Dice: Have students roll dice and instantly tell you how many dots they see. You can use one die or multiple dice to vary the level of difficulty.
  • Subitising Slides: Show students digital slides of varying numbers of fun, colourful objects. (Check out our resource linked below!)
  • Match the Quantity: Show students a set of objects (such as blocks or coins) and ask them to quickly match the quantity shown to a card with the number written on it.


Administering this assessment is easy!

  1. Print the teacher tracking sheet and the student sheet for the assessment of your choice.
  2. Ask the student to quickly identify the number of dots they see in each box from left to right.
  3. Follow along and tick the box in the corner of each quantity they correctly identify within 2-3 seconds.
  4. Write the number of correct answers into the blank in the score line at the bottom.

Simple to Download and Use

This resource is available in both easy-to-print PDF and Google Slides formats. Use the drop-down arrow located on the download button to choose the format that best fits your needs.

This resource was created by April Tierney, a former teacher and a Teach Starter collaborator.

Additional Subitising Resources

Searching for more subitising activities? Look no further than these favourites from our Teach Starter Team.

[resource:5109855] [resource:4911574] [resource:5110271]


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Subitising Assessment Pack