
Summarising Nonfiction Interactive Activity

  • Updated

    Updated: 06 Jul 2023

Help your students easily summarise nonfiction texts with this interactive activity.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 4 - 6


Summarising Nonfiction Interactive Activity

  • Updated

    Updated: 06 Jul 2023

Help your students easily summarise nonfiction texts with this interactive activity.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: 4 - 6

Help your students easily summarise nonfiction texts with this interactive activity.

📗 3 Nonfiction Texts to Summarise

Learning how to summarise is a valuable skill for students because it helps them understand the main idea and supporting details in a text more effectively. By developing the skill of summarisation, students will also develop the following:

  • Students gain a better idea of the overall content in a text, which helps them extract the essential information and grasp key concepts (main idea and supporting detail).
  • Students actively process and rephrase the information in their own words. This active engagement enhances their retention of the material.
  • Summarising is a useful technique for studying and preparing for exams.

This summarising nonfiction interactive activity is a fantastic way for students to practise their summarising skills!

💻 Interactive Activity for English Groups

This interactive activity is perfect for your small group work during rotational work. For each of the three nonfiction texts available, students need to identify the main idea plus three bits of supporting detail and summarise each nonfiction text. 

To take this further, you can use this text for further activities that support students understanding of nonfiction texts.

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Please be sure to open in Edit mode, not Presentation mode. Students drag and drop and use the colour tool to complete each of the activities.

This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a Teach Starter collaborator.


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Summarising Nonfiction Interactive Activity