
The Roles in Australia’s Government - Interactive Activity

  • Updated

    Updated: 25 Sep 2023

Learn key vocabulary terms related to the roles and responsibilities of Australia’s three levels of government with this digital ‘mystery picture’ activity.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Year

    Year: 6


The Roles in Australia’s Government - Interactive Activity

  • Updated

    Updated: 25 Sep 2023

Learn key vocabulary terms related to the roles and responsibilities of Australia’s three levels of government with this digital ‘mystery picture’ activity.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Year

    Year: 6

Learn key vocabulary terms related to the roles and responsibilities of Australia’s three levels of government with this digital ‘mystery picture’ activity.

The Who, What and Where of Australia’s Government 

Which level of government makes laws for their state or territory?

What is the name given to the leader of the Australian government?

What is the name of the presiding officer who chairs meetings in the Senate?

As the above questions show, there are many moving parts (and moving people!) involved in Australia’s system of government. At each level (local, state and federal), elected representatives perform specific tasks and provide valued services to benefit all Australians. There are many titles, roles, responsibilities and locations to remember!

A Digital Game for Australian Government

This engaging interactive activity has been designed to support your students in understanding the key vocabulary related to Australia’s three levels of government. It contains 19 question slides covering a range of terminology related to local, state and federal governments in Australia.

The following terms are included in the resource: 

Governor-General, State Government, The Premier, Deputy Prime Minister, Ministers, Leader of the Opposition, the King, Backbenchers, Shadow Ministers, Federal Government, Deputy Leader of the Opposition, House of Representatives, The Speaker, President of the Senate, Parliament, The Senate, Local Government, Prime Minister.

How to Play This ‘Mystery Picture’ Game

Follow these simple instructions to play this interactive activity!

  1.  Read the statement at the top of the slide.
  2. Choose one of the responses inside the table. If the response is incorrect, a ‘Try Again’ slide will appear and students will be redirected so they can choose a different response. If the response is correct, a ‘You Got It’ slide will appear and students can progress to the next question.
  3. The next slide will appear with the previous answer box removed to reveal a portion of the mystery picture. A new statement is presented at the top of the slide. 
  4. This process repeats until all answers are completed and the mystery picture is fully revealed!

Tips for Extension and Scaffolding

Catering for a diverse range of learners in your classroom? We hear you! Check out these great ideas to maximise the impact of this activity for learners of all abilities:

  • Challenge High-Flying Students – Why not set a timer to challenge your more-capable students? Students could compete against each other or against previous times to see how quickly they can recall the roles and their definitions.
  • Support Less-Confident Students – Allow less-confident students to access a glossary of terms (such as that available on the Australian Electoral Commission website) so they can look up unfamiliar terms while completing the activity. 

Download This Paperless Activity in Your Preferred Format

This interactive activity downloads as either a Microsoft PowerPoint file or a Google Slides file. Use the dropdown menu next to the Download button to select your preferred format.

In order to activate the interactive features, be sure to use this presentation in Slideshow mode.

This resource was created by Amy Adam, a Teach Starter collaborator.

Click below to access more great resources to complement your lessons on the Australian government!

[resource:650485] [resource:4962422] [resource:4964916]


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The Roles in Australia’s Government - Interactive Activity