Practise telling time to the minute with an engaging Year 3 Telling Time Quiz game.
Looking for Engaging Year 3 Telling Time Activities?
We’ve got you covered with our interactive games and activities to use right in Google Slides or PowerPoint! This fun new resource is a great way to review how to tell time to the nearest minute in a fun and engaging way.
Use this interactive slide deck when learning about telling time to the minute. The question types included in this activity are
- Matching analogue clocks to digital clocks
- Matching digital clocks to analogue clocks
- Telling time to the nearest minute
To participate, students choose the correct answer from four options. When they select the incorrect answer, the friendly robot reminds them to try again. When they choose the right answer, the robot encourages them to continue learning.
Download Your Year 3 Telling Time Quiz Game
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This resource was created by Kendall Britnell, a Teach Starter Collaborator.
Even More Telling Time to the Minute Activities for Year 3
Paired with the right resources, this telling time game will boost your students’ maths skills. Grab these while you’re here!
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