A fun marine themed maze for students to complete when learning about oceans.
Use this teaching resource as a fun independent activity when learning about oceans.
Students work their way through the maze to help the clown fish shelter in the coral.
A fun marine themed maze for students to complete when learning about oceans.
Use this teaching resource as a fun independent activity when learning about oceans.
Students work their way through the maze to help the clown fish shelter in the coral.
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A worksheet to use to consolidate student understanding of place value to the thousands.
A fun activity to help your students to identify even numbers.
A fun activity to help your students to identify odd numbers.
A set of maths mazes that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge of factors.
A set of 6 fun mazes with a dinosaur theme.
A set of puzzling mazes that require addition and subtraction skills to solve.
A set of three mazes that require students to add two-digit numbers.
A fun maze to use when learning how to identify uppercase and lowercase letters.
A fun maze to use when learning how to identify uppercase and lowercase letters.
A fun maze to use when learning how to identify uppercase and lowercase letters.
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