
Women's History Month Word Wall

  • Updated

    Updated: 17 Nov 2022

Celebrate important terms, events and people in women’s history with this set of 32 vocabulary cards for your classroom word wall.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Years

    Years: 1 - 6


Women's History Month Word Wall

  • Updated

    Updated: 17 Nov 2022

Celebrate important terms, events and people in women’s history with this set of 32 vocabulary cards for your classroom word wall.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Years

    Years: 1 - 6

Celebrate important terms, events and people in women’s history with this set of 32 vocabulary cards for your classroom word wall.

Immerse Your Students in Vocabulary Featuring Inspiring Women

An ever-expanding vocabulary inspires students to become hungry for language and learning. As a result, your students will become thoughtful, articulate speakers and writers who can communicate their ideas effectively and with confidence. 

With this list of words, students will make language connections to historical people, events, ideas, and themes that highlight the pursuit of gender equality throughout women’s history.

Our Women’s History Word Wall includes vocabulary that students will immediately recognize AND words that stretch their language skills (and history knowledge): 

  • suffrage
  • equality
  • movement
  • activist
  • constitution
  • feminism
  • amendment
  • delegate
  • picket
  • democracy
  • convention
  • civil rights
  • reform
  • declaration
  • manifesto
  • equal rights
  • voting rights
  • role model
  • empowerment
  • Amelia Earhart
  • Elizabeth Blackburn
  • Julia Gillard
  • Edith Cowan
  • Helen Keller
  • Elizabeth Blackwell
  • Evelyn Scott
  • Maude Bonney
  • Jane Foss Barff
  • Faith Thomas
  • Nova Peris
  • Ada Lovelace
  • Greta Thunberg
  • Cathy Freeman

We’ve also included blank cards to add additional words of your choosing.

Pair this activity with our Women’s History Research Project for students to put their new vocabulary words to more use! 

What Can You Do with Women’s History Vocabulary? 

Use these words before, during and after lessons with your whole class, small groups or individualized instruction. Check out ways to expand your women’s history lessons:   

👩🏾‍🤝‍👩🏼 Biography Blast

Divide students into groups and give each a card with the name of a notable woman. Research teams should be allowed a limited amount of time to find as many facts as they can about their historical figures.

👩🏾‍🤝‍👩🏼 Women’s Lib Writing Lab

Take on the persona of one of the women in the word wall and write a letter to a friend about their work. Bonus points if you include as many vocabulary words in your letter as you can. 

👩🏾‍🤝‍👩🏼 Timeline of Triumph

As a class activity or assignment, use our blank timeline template to sort each of the words on the wall into a sequence of women’s historical events. 

In addition, use these word wall activities throughout your lessons to help students recognize and define vocabulary words: 

💪 Spark discussions and make connections between words

💪 Use them for Daily Oral Language and spelling word of the week exercises

💪 Identify parts of speech (noun types, verbs, adjectives, etc.)

💪 Practice alphabetical ordering

💪 Play games like Charades, 20 Questions, Swat, etc.

💪 Create a fun Word Search

Before You Download

Use the dropdown icon on the Download button to choose between the PDF or Google Slides version of this resource. Print on cardboard for durability. 

Alternatively, you can create your own custom, printable word wall:

  1. Select the type of font you would prefer from the drop-down box above.
  2. Click on the blue button and use the Teach Starter Studio to add a custom word list to the resource.
  3. Download and print your custom, themed word list.

Looking for more ways to incorporate women’s history in your lessons? We’ve got more activities and teaching tools to check out:



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Women's History Month Word Wall