
Word of the Week Flip Book - Year 3

  • Updated

    Updated: 28 Jun 2023

A 43 page flip book for introducing new vocabulary to year 3 students.

  • Curriculum
  • Year

    Year: 3


Word of the Week Flip Book - Year 3

  • Updated

    Updated: 28 Jun 2023

A 43 page flip book for introducing new vocabulary to year 3 students.

  • Curriculum
  • Year

    Year: 3

A 43 page flip book for introducing new vocabulary to year 3 students.

Use this PowerPoint presentation in your classroom to display new vocabulary to your students for each week of the learning year.

Turn this resource into a flip book by:

  • Printing out the pages
  • Use a hole punch to create holes in the three marked places at the top of the page
  • Use metal book rings to bind them
  • Display the flip book by hanging it with string or sitting it on a stand.

In this teaching resource, each page contains:

  • a new word
  • the definition of the word
  • an example sentence showing the word being used in context.

Recommended to be used with the PowerPoint presentation version for whole class lessons.



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to comment
  • Simone Brown

    Would it be possible to add to your word of the week the breaking down into morphemes and what each of those morphemes mean?

    • Laica Ayo

      Hi Simone, Thanks for the suggestion! For suggestions like this, could I get you to enter it under the 'Submit a change' button on the resource? That way it'll go straight to our resource team to view :blush:. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our support team using the chat icon at the bottom of the screen. Thanks!

  • Kim

    Is it possible to have an editable section for topic specific vocabulary to be taught ?

    • Royce (Teach Starter)

      Hey Kim, thank you for reaching out to us. We have created PowerPoint versions of these flip books so they are able to be presented and edited. You can adapt them to whichever vocabulary you would like to add, then if you would like to turn it into a flip book, just save it as a PDF and print. You can find the link to the Year 3 PowerPoint by clicking this link: https://www.teachstarter.com/au/teaching-resource/word-of-the-week-powerpoint-year-3/

Word of the Week Flip Book - Year 3