
Word Twist – Word Building Game

  • Updated

    Updated: 28 Jun 2023

Encourage word building in your classroom with this fun Boggle-style game!

  • Pages

    Pages: 23 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: F - 6


Word Twist – Word Building Game

  • Updated

    Updated: 28 Jun 2023

Encourage word building in your classroom with this fun Boggle-style game!

  • Pages

    Pages: 23 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years: F - 6

Encourage word building in your classroom with this fun Boggle-style game!

Are you looking for a fun phonics activity to use in your reading centers as a word work activity or to use as a warm-up for your guided reading group? Then Word Twist is the game for you!

Ways to Use This Resource

  • Provide students with a set number of letter cards and a score sheet. Set the timer and have them write as many words as possible in the given amount of time.
  • Play a Boggle-style game. Use the letter cards to create a 9 by 9 square on an empty small bulletin board or wall space in your room. Make sure when building the board that you set up words within the board. This activity makes a great early finisher activity!

This set of Word Twist cards includes blends, digraphs, and phonemes, providing students with an opportunity to practice the sounds and the words that they make.

Before You Download

Use the dropdown icon on the Download button to choose between the PDF or Google Slides version of this resource. Print the cards on thick card for added durability.

Because this resource includes a student score sheet, we recommend you print one copy of the entire file. Then, make photocopies of the score sheets for students to complete.

For sustainability purposes, why not place the score sheet in plastic sleeves so they can be wiped clean and used again?


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Word Twist – Word Building Game