Geographical Knowledge
Location of major countries of Africa and South America in relation to Australia and their major characteristics including the types of vegetation and native animals in at least two countries for both continents
- Free Plan
Weathering and Erosion Poster
Learn how weathering and erosion can cause slow changes to Earth’s surface with this printable poster.
- Plus Plan
Weathering and Erosion Word Wall Vocabulary
Expand your students' science vocabulary with a weathering and erosion word wall.
- Plus Plan
Blank Map of Tasmania Template
Record and represent data about the location of significant places with this printable blank map of the Australian state of Tasmania.
- Plus Plan
Blank Map of New South Wales - Template
Record and represent data about the location of significant places with this printable blank map of the Australian state of New South Wales.
- Plus Plan
What is a Wetland? Poster
A poster with information about the plant life, climate and annual rainfall that characterise a wetland environment.
- Plus Plan
Australian Capital Cities Fact Sheets
A set of 8 posters with facts about each Australian capital city.
- Plus Plan
Freshwater Ecosystems Poster
A poster explaining Freshwater Ecosystems.
- Plus Plan
Australian Climate Regions Poster and Worksheet
A poster and a worksheet outlining the climate regions in Australia.
- Free Plan
Map of Indonesia
Familiarise your students with Australia’s neighbouring countries with this detailed map of Indonesia.
- Plus Plan
The Role of Plants - Instructional Slide Deck
Explore the different ways that plants can be beneficial with an interactive slide deck.
- Free Plan
Weather Word Wall Vocabulary
Use this teacher-created weather resource to teach weather vocabulary. Build a weather word wall with your students during your weather lessons.
- Plus Plan
Blank Map of Victoria - Template
Record and represent data about the location of significant places with this printable blank map of the Australian state of Victoria.
- Plus Plan
Blank Map of South Australia - Template
Record and represent data about the location of significant places with this printable blank map of the Australian state of South Australia.
- Plus Plan
Black Map of the Australian Capital Territory - Template
Record and represent data about the location of significant places with this printable blank map of the Australian Capital Territory.
- Plus Plan
What is a Bushland? Poster
A poster with information about the plant life, climate and annual rainfall that characterise a bushland environment.
- Plus Plan
What is a Rainforest? Poster
A poster with information about the plant life, climate and annual rainfall that characterise a rainforest environment.
- Plus Plan
Introduction to Environments Poster Set
A set of 5 posters displaying different environments around the world.
- Plus Plan
Neighbours of Australia Flags
Twelve flags from countries surrounding Australia.
- Free Plan
Desert Word Wall Vocabulary
Spark discussion and build academic vocabulary with a desert related vocabulary word wall.
- Plus Plan
Natural and Human Features of Australia - Capital City Fact Files (Complete Set)
8 beautifully designed and illustrated fact files explaining the natural and human features of Australia's capital cities.
- Plus Plan
Natural and Human Features of Australia - Melbourne Fact File
A beautifully designed and illustrated fact file explaining the natural and human features of Melbourne.
- Plus Plan
Map of the Northern Territory Template
Record and represent data about the location of significant places with this printable blank map of the Northern Territory.
- Plus Plan
Australian Habitats Word Wall Vocabulary
A set of Australian habitats related vocabulary word wall cards.
- Plus Plan
Map of Vanuatu
Familiarise your students with Australia’s neighbouring countries with this detailed map of Vanuatu.
- Plus Plan
Survival Tips Inquiry Task
An inquiry-based assessment task for students to demonstrate their understanding of how vegetation is used across Australia by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in a variety of different ways.
- Plus Plan
Australia and Its Neighbours - Geography Word Wall Vocabulary
Sixty-three mapping vocabulary cards for Geography.
- Plus Plan
South American Flags
Decorate your travel-themed classroom with a set of fourteen flags from South America.
- Plus Plan
Exploring Plants PowerPoint
Explore the characteristics of plants in our environment with an interactive teaching slide presentation.
- Plus Plan
The Natural Environment of South America — Inquiry Task
An inquiry task focusing on the natural environment of the Amazon rainforest in South America.
- Plus Plan
South American Flags Worksheets - BW
Fourteen black and white worksheets with flags from South America.
- Plus Plan
Natural and Human Features of Australia - Darwin Fact File
A beautifully designed and illustrated fact file explaining the natural and human features of Darwin.
- Plus Plan
Natural and Human Features of Australia - Hobart Fact File
A beautifully designed and illustrated fact file explaining the natural and human features of Hobart.