Describe and explain the diverse characteristics of places in different locations from local to global scales
- Plus Plan
Australia and Its Neighbours - Poster and Labelling Activity
A set of maps and worksheet for students to use when looking at Australia and its neighbours.
- Plus Plan
Natural Disaster Posters - Information
Posters with pictures and information for eight different types of natural disasters.
- Plus Plan
Natural Disasters - Flood Simulation Experiment
A hands-on experiment to use when exploring natural disasters.
- Free Plan
Map of the Regions of Asia
A map showing the layout, regions and major countries of Asia.
- Plus Plan
Impacts of Floods PowerPoint
A 17-slide editable PowerPoint template about floods and their impact on communities.
- Free Plan
Flood Safety Poster - Design and Create Task
A design and create task for students to demonstrate their understanding of the impact of floods.
- Plus Plan
Geography Flip Book
A flip book to use when learning about geography.
- Plus Plan
Exploring How People and Places Affect One Another - Geography Word Wall Vocabulary
63 exploring the affects of people and places vocabulary cards.
- Plus Plan
What are Bushfires? Cloze Worksheet
A cloze worksheet about bushfires.
- Plus Plan
Asian Flags
A collection of 38 flags from Asian countries.
- Free Plan
Map of Indonesia
Familiarise your students with Australia’s neighbouring countries with this detailed map of Indonesia.
- Free Plan
Natural Disaster Word Wall Vocabulary
Use this teacher-created resource to explore natural disaster vocabulary with your primary school students.
- Plus Plan
Themes of Geography Poster Pack
A pack of six posters to use when learning about geography.
- Plus Plan
Introduction to Environments Poster Set
A set of 5 posters displaying different environments around the world.
- Plus Plan
Map of Antarctica
Familiarise your students with the continent of Antarctica using a labelled map.
- Free Plan
Flood Vocabulary Task
A vocabulary task for students to use when demonstrating their understanding of the impact of floods in Australia.
- Plus Plan
Asian Flags Worksheets - BW
Thirty-seven black and white worksheets with a selection of flags from Asia.
- Plus Plan
Natural Disaster Posters
Posters with pictures for eight different types of natural disasters.
- Plus Plan
Japanese Flag and Map of Major Cities
A poster showing important information about Japan.
- Plus Plan
Mining Word Wall Vocabulary
Sixty-seven mining related vocabulary cards for a word wall.
- Plus Plan
Exploring Australia's Connection with Other Countries - Geography Word Wall Vocabulary
37 exploring Australia's connection vocabulary word wall cards.
- Plus Plan
Antarctic Wildlife Poster
A poster highlighting some of the main wildlife in Antarctica.
- Plus Plan
European Flags Worksheets - BW
Twenty-seven black and white worksheets with a selection of flags from Europe.
- Plus Plan
North American Flags Worksheets - BW
Seventeen black and white worksheets with flags from North America.
- Plus Plan
Map of The Solomon Islands
Familiarise your students with Australia’s neighbouring countries with this detailed map of The Solomon Islands.
- Plus Plan
Map of Singapore
Familiarise your students with Australia’s neighbouring countries with this detailed map of Singapore.
- Plus Plan
Map of Papua New Guinea
Familiarise your students with Australia’s neighbouring countries with this detailed map of Papua New Guinea.
- Plus Plan
Map of New Caledonia
Familiarise your students with Australia’s neighbouring countries with this detailed map ofNew Calendonia.
- Plus Plan
Map of Fiji
Familiarise your students with Australia’s neighbouring countries with this detailed map of Fiji.
- Plus Plan
Map of Timor-Leste
Familiarise your students with Australia’s neighbouring countries with this detailed map of Timor-Leste.