Historical Knowledge
Who the people in their family are, describe where they were born and raised and how they are related to each other and how their stories are communicated and shared
- Plus Plan
Toys - Past, Present and Future PowerPoint
A 15 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when comparing toys from today with the past.
- Free Plan
Transport Then and Now - Worksheet
A set of 2 worksheets for students to identify how transport has changed over time.
- Free Plan
Communication Then and Now - Worksheet
A worksheet for students to illustrate how communication methods and devices have changed over time.
- Free Plan
What Toy Am I? - Toy Definition Match Up Game
A set of 20 puzzle cards for students to match pictures of toys to their definition.
- Plus Plan
Old vs New Communication Devices - Sorting Activity
A fun sorting activity for students to identify old and new communication devices.
- Free Plan
Then and Now - Toy Dominoes
A set of 12 domino playing cards for students to match pictures of toys from the past with the present.
- Free Plan
Communication Changes Over Time Worksheet
A sequencing activity to use when exploring how communication devices have changed over time.
- Plus Plan
Past, Present and Future Poster
A poster with definitions of the past, present and future.
- Free Plan
Describing Toys Past and Present - Worksheet
A worksheet for students to describe the features of past and present toys.
- Plus Plan
Communicating with Others - Worksheet
A worksheet for students to identify the communication methods and devices we use today.
- Plus Plan
Comparing Communication Devices from Past to Present - Worksheet
A worksheet for students to compare communication devices from the past with the present.
- Plus Plan
Life Without Transport - Worksheet
A worksheet for students to identify how we use transport in our daily lives.
- Plus Plan
Popular Toys from the Present Day - Worksheet
A set of 2 worksheets for students to illustrate popular toys from the present day.
- Plus Plan
Transport Changing Over Time - Timeline Worksheet
A worksheet for students to illustrate how transport has changed over time.
- Plus Plan
Exploring My Local Community - History Word Wall Vocabulary
20 vocabulary cards about exploring the local community.
- Plus Plan
Continuity and Change Worksheets
A set of four worksheets to use when exploring continuity and change.
- Plus Plan
Alien Grab - Toy Sorting Activity
A fun sorting activity to identify toys from other everyday objects.
- Plus Plan
Animal Powered Transport - Worksheet
A worksheet for students to identify how animals can be used as a mode of transport.
- Plus Plan
Exploring Yesterday and Today – History Word Wall Vocabulary
27 exploring yesterday and today vocabulary cards.
- Plus Plan
Communication Methods and Devices - Poster Pack
A pack of 11 posters explaining how a variety of communication methods and devices work.
- Plus Plan
Past and Present - Title Poster
A poster to display in your classroom when learning about the past and present.
- Plus Plan
Past and Present Teaching Resource Pack
A teaching resource pack of cut-out decorations, posters, games, PowerPoint presentations and worksheets about the past and present.