Understand that the purposes texts serve shape their structure in predictable ways
- Plus Plan
Consonant Digraph Cover Up Game
Practise consonant digraphs with your students with this set of two fun partner cover up games.
- Plus Plan
Ar Digraph Words With Images
Learn words that contain the 'ar' digraph with these word and picture flashcards.
- Plus Plan
Personal Recount Sequencing Activity - My Broken Leg
A worksheet to use in the classroom when learning the sequence of a personal recount.
- Plus Plan
Dolch Sight Word Flashcards - Year 1
Use these flashcards to help students practice their Dolch sight words.
- Plus Plan
Dolch Sight Word Flashcards - Primer
Use these flashcards to help students practice their Dolch sight words.
- Plus Plan
Dolch Sight Word Flashcards - Nouns
Use these flashcards to help students practice their Dolch sight words.
- Plus Plan
Adver-relays Active Learning Game
A whole class active game that encourages learning through a physical setting.
- Plus Plan
Consonant Digraph Bingo
Thirty different bingo cards using consonant digraph graphemes.
- Plus Plan
Features of a Book Cover Poster
A poster highlighting the main features of the front cover of a book.
- Plus Plan
Missing Initial Blends Worksheet
A worksheet to consolidate initial blend sounds.
- Plus Plan
Kn, Ph & Wr Digraph Flashcards
Seventeen flashcards showing kn, ph and wr digraph words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Word of the Week Flip Book - Year 1
A 43 page flip book for introducing new vocabulary to year 1 students.
- Plus Plan
R-Blends Blending Flashcards
Practise blending r-blends with this set of blending r word cards.
- Plus Plan
Monster Mash Grapheme Sorting Activity
Consolidate the concept of different graphemes with a printable consonant digraph activity.
- Plus Plan
R Blend Word Wall Vocabulary
Forty-eight R blend vocabulary cards for a word wall.
- Plus Plan
Word Morph Active Game
An active game that allows students to test and build their phonetic knowledge.
- Plus Plan
The Power of One Noun
A worksheet that can be used when studying nouns or as a getting to know you activity.
- Plus Plan
Blends PowerPoint
A 21 slide PowerPoint presentation on different blends.
- Plus Plan
Beginning, Middle and Ending Sounds – Frogs Poster
A frog themed poster for CVC words
- Plus Plan
L Blend Word Wall Vocabulary
Thirty-two L blend vocabulary cards for a word wall.
- Plus Plan
Initial S Blend Cards
A resource to help students identify the S blend at the beginning of a word.
- Plus Plan
S Blend Word Wall Vocabulary
Sixty S blend vocabulary cards for a word wall.
- Plus Plan
Consonant Blends Fishbowl Sorting Activity
A small group or whole class sorting game to consolidate the learning of beginning consonant blends.
- Plus Plan
Phonics Flashcards and Progress Tracker - Skateboard Theme
A set of CVC, CCVC and CVVC word flashcards in a skateboard theme with an accompanying skateboard ramp to monitor student progress.
- Plus Plan
Phonics Flashcards and Progress Tracker - Motorbike Theme
A set of CVC, CCVC and CVVC word flashcards in a motorbike theme with an accompanying motorbike track to monitor student progress.
- Plus Plan
Initial R Blend Cards
A resource to help students identify the R blend at the beginning of a word.
- Plus Plan
S-Blends Blending Flashcards
Practise blending s-blends with this set of blending s word cards.
- Plus Plan
L Blends Worksheet
A worksheet consolidating the initial L blend sound.
- Plus Plan
Initial L Blend Cards
A resource to help students identify the L blend at the beginning of a word.
- Plus Plan
Sight Word Cards - Dolch Nouns
Dolch Nouns sight words on flash cards.
- Plus Plan
Initial Blends Match-Up Activity
A set of initial blends game cards.
- Plus Plan
Sight Word Cards - Dolch Primer
Dolch primer sight words on flash cards.