Statistics and Probability
Identify practical activities and everyday events that involve chance. Describe outcomes as ‘likely’ or ‘unlikely’ and identify some events as ‘certain’ or ‘impossible’
- Plus Plan
Chance Worksheets - Year 2
2 chance worksheets linked to the Australian Curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Types of Graphs Posters
This colourful and easy-to-digest visual display shows students the varying data displays they will encounter in their primary maths lessons.
- Plus Plan
We're Going On a Shape Hunt! Graphing Game
Consolidate students' knowledge of 2D shapes while teaching about data collection, recording and graphing!
- Plus Plan
Data Representation and Interpretation Worksheets - Year 2
4 data representation and interpretation worksheets linked to the Australian Curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Blank Graph Template
A blank template for constructing graphs.
- Plus Plan
Chance Lower Years PowerPoint
An engaging 22 slide interactive PowerPoint to use in the classroom when learning about chance in the lower years.
- Plus Plan
Maths Warm Ups Interactive PowerPoint - Year 2
A PowerPoint providing a series of warm up activities for Year 2 students across the curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Features of a Graph
A poster showing the main features of a graph.
- Plus Plan
Features of a Graph BW
A poster showing the main features of a graph.