Victorian Curriculum
understand how the choice of verb, elaborated tenses and a range of adverb groups can expand and sharpen ideas
- knowing that the simple present tense is typically used to talk about present states (for example, ‘He lives in Darwin.’) or actions that happen regularly in the present (for example, ‘He watches television every night.’) or that represent ‘timeless’ happenings, such as in informative reports (for example, ‘Bears hibernate in winter.’)
- knowing that there are various ways in English to refer to future time, such as using the auxiliary ‘will’ (for example, ‘She will call you tomorrow.’), using the present tense (for example, ‘Tomorrow, I leave for Hobart.’) and using adverbials of time (for example, ‘She arrives in the morning.’)
- using precise verbs (for example, ‘slice’, ‘dice’, ‘fillet’ and ‘segment’) rather than general words (for example, ‘cut’)
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7 teaching resources for those 'aha' moments
- Free Plan
Identifying Descriptive Language Worksheets - Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs and Adverbs
A set of 5 worksheets to help your students identify descriptive language in narrative texts.
- Plus Plan
Adverb Grammar Card Game – Flip It!
A fun game for students to play in small groups to consolidate their understanding of adverbs.
- Plus Plan
Verb Grammar Card Game – Flip It!
A fun game for students to play in small groups to consolidate their understanding of verbs.
- Plus Plan
Parts of Speech Card Game – Upper Years Classroom Game – Set 3
A card game for nouns, verbs and adjectives.
- Plus Plan
Grammar Word Search with Solution
A word search to help your students learn a variety of grammatical terms.
- Plus Plan
Parts of Speech Card Game – Upper Primary Classroom Game – Set 1
A card game for nouns, verbs and adjectives.
- Plus Plan
Parts of Speech Card Game – Upper Years Classroom Game – Set 2
A card game for nouns, verbs and adjectives.